Rhinoplasty for congenital (By birth) or after injury nose deformities. Prominent (Bat) ear deformities, reduce large ears, split or sagging ear lobules. Unsightly Facial lesions
Cancerous lesions of the face and head & Neck. Lumps of the head and Neck including salivary gland disorders and lumps.
Ear infections, hearing loss, protruding (Bat) ear correction, balance disorders (Epley’s Manoeuvre. Repair of perforated eardrum, mastoid surgery, procedures to improve certain types of hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) Barotrauma.
Blocked nose, runny nose, nose bleeds, facial pain and headaches, Allergy testing Sinusitis, nasal deformities.
Sore throats, tonsillitis, bad breath, feeling of lump in the throat, swallowing difficulties, husky voice, throat cancer screening.
Sandra Cameron
Layla-Madison Wills